Will you by any chance be in London on this date? ...If YES...I so envy you for that!!!
The Angels Retro Sale is absolute heaven for vintage and retro lovers, offering over 25,000 items of clothing and accessories from the 50's up to the 90's(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! next year I am in, no matter what!), for the most amazing price of 20 GBP for a medium sized bag and 50 GBP for a supersize bag! OMG! Double, triple OMG!...100 x OMG!!!
Good luck and enjoy your shopping to all those blessed ones who can go :)
Hugs & Kisses,
"Vintage Meelusha"
Welcome Vintage Lovers! Let's get carried away and enjoy the mirage of Vintage, Retro and Second Hand Clothing & Accesories
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Vintage Glam and Miss Monroe
You cannot talk about glamour without her name coming into your mind, you cannot think about vintage and not think about her for a second at least...Try it, if you don't believe me! Close your eyes and picture vintage glamour... VoilĂ ! I told you so :)
She was one of a kind, an amazing goddess that dominated the 50s with her beauty, charm and unprecedented glow; she fascinated everyone around her, both men and women, while she could never go by unnoticed. She was a star, bringing an elegant and classy sexuality and glamour into the 50's era that no other female star had managed so far. She was beautiful, funny, smart, glamorous, sweet, vulnerable, fascinating, adorable, she was unique and simply...Marilyn!
Behind her gorgeous smile and the "bedroom-eyes" there was a lot more than people could have ever imagined… If you are interested in more than just the glamour outfits “The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe” by J.Randy Taraborrelli is a great book about her life that I have recently read (got it as a present from Santa :)) and that has captivated me from the first page on! I recommend it for those who admire her already and for those who just want to read an amazing biography of an amazingly beautiful person (please read in English tough, the translation into Romanian is not the best one) …
Let’s get carried away into the classy 50s, back in the days when Marilyn was dominating style and fashion and enjoy some of my favorite vintage looks: 100% Marilyn, 200% glamour!
She was one of a kind, an amazing goddess that dominated the 50s with her beauty, charm and unprecedented glow; she fascinated everyone around her, both men and women, while she could never go by unnoticed. She was a star, bringing an elegant and classy sexuality and glamour into the 50's era that no other female star had managed so far. She was beautiful, funny, smart, glamorous, sweet, vulnerable, fascinating, adorable, she was unique and simply...Marilyn!
Behind her gorgeous smile and the "bedroom-eyes" there was a lot more than people could have ever imagined… If you are interested in more than just the glamour outfits “The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe” by J.Randy Taraborrelli is a great book about her life that I have recently read (got it as a present from Santa :)) and that has captivated me from the first page on! I recommend it for those who admire her already and for those who just want to read an amazing biography of an amazingly beautiful person (please read in English tough, the translation into Romanian is not the best one) …
Let’s get carried away into the classy 50s, back in the days when Marilyn was dominating style and fashion and enjoy some of my favorite vintage looks: 100% Marilyn, 200% glamour!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The most beautiful vintage dresses...
...and many more vintage wonders cand be found in Brigitte and Patti's "Posh Girl Vintage" online store (http://www.poshgirlvintage.com).
From all the sites and blogs I've visited, this is by far the best resource for vintage treasures, while I hopefully will very soon be the proud owner of one of those beauties. The site screams "glamour" out loud as soon as you enter it! Check it out and you will not regret it!
Thank you Patti and Brigitte, for making so many vintage dreams come true!
From all the sites and blogs I've visited, this is by far the best resource for vintage treasures, while I hopefully will very soon be the proud owner of one of those beauties. The site screams "glamour" out loud as soon as you enter it! Check it out and you will not regret it!
Thank you Patti and Brigitte, for making so many vintage dreams come true!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What is Vintage? Why do I love it?
“Vintage” is…chic, glamorous, magical, mysterious, unique, adorable, captivating and fascinating and my list could go on… (I know so many adjectives in English :))
Sau mai concret si mai pe larg (pentru ca imi place sa scriu!)…:
… “Vintage” este pentru mine in primul rand o mare pasiune, descoperita nu cu foarte mult timp in urma, trebuie sa recunosc, dar cu siguranta o pasiune pe care vreau sa o dezvolt si sa o cultiv pe viitor.
In termeni mai stiintifici, vintage-ul se refera la haine ce provin din perioada incepand cu anii ‘20-‘30 si terminand cu anii ‘80 (Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, hainele care erau la moda cand eram noi mici sunt deja vintage…dar nu conteaza, dears, suntem atat de tinere pe cat ne simtim :)), cele mai vechi de atat intrand deja in categoria “antique”. Hainele acestea sunt atat de speciale pentru ca au o linie deosebita, au o personalitate si ne spun “ceva”, nu le gasesti pe toate gardurile si au, nu in ultimul rand, o cu totul alta calitate. “Pe vremuri” se faceau lucruri de calitate, lucruri care sa dureze si sa poata fi folosite multi, multi ani la rand. Adevaratele comori vintage trebuie sa fie intr-o stare foarte buna, iar cu cat sunt mai vechi pretul lor va creste in mod evident. Daca sunt si opere ale unor designer celebri…multe dintre noi nu ne vom putea atinge de ele prea usor :), dar keep workin’ on it girls, we’ll get there someday!
In ultimul timp in Romania cuvantul “vintage” in sine si nu neaparat ceea ce reprezinta el cu adevarat a devenit o moda, poate chiar un capriciu. Ce inseamna vintage de fapt insa mai putini stiu. Nu orice “vechitura” este vintage, acea “vechitura” trebuie sa aiba clasa :)! In afara Romaniei insa, mania “vintage”-ului este deja cu traditie, inceputurile acestei relativ recente isterii in legatura cu ce e vechi si classy fiind vazute in 2001 cand Julia Roberts a purtat la decernarea premiilor Oscar o superba creatie vintage din 1982 semnata Valentino… the rest was “vintage mania history”! Ma bucura enorm ca si la noi acest curent castiga din ce in ce mai multi admiratori si am putut descoperi cu mare incantare foarte multe blog-uri romanesti pe aceasta tema, cele mai interesante (dupa umila-mi parere) fiind incluse in blogroll. Se organizeaza de asemenea si destul de multe targusoare cu focus pe vintage, evenimente despre care va voi povesti cu drag!
Ce poate fi mai frumos decat sa descoperi mici comori in dulapul sau podul bunicii, la targuri de vechituri (sau mai pretios spus, de antichitati) sau in second-hand-uri, sa vanezi haine si acessorii cu personalitate care nu se mai gasesc in serie pe rafturi si umerase la mall-uri si nu sunt uniforma “fashion”-abila pentru pitzipoacele de companie, hainite si accesorii cu o poveste de spus care sa dea o cu totul alta valoare oricarei tinute pe care o vei purta? Stii ca vei fi speciala, stii ca vei fi “altfel”, iar sentimentul ca acea piesa a vazut si a trait multe intamplari alaturi de fosta “stapana” este minunat de misterios... Pentru mine feeling-ul pe care il am cand descopar o astfel de comoara, dupa luuuuuuuungi cautari (uneori obositoare, trebuie sa admit!) este superb, iar cautarile mele, “cotrobailala” prin cotloane dupa valori sunt ca mic drog, dar unul sanatos :) de la care nu vreau si nu trebuie sa ma abtin!
Foarte important este insa “dear Vintage Lovers” sa nu abuzam, va rog sa tineti minte ca: “Excesul de vintage poate dauna grav imaginii”. O piesa vintage, maxim doua cam ajung la asamblarea unui outfit…ca sa nu parem chiar noi niste “vechituri” scoase de la naftalina. Combinatia perfecta este intre vechi si nou, clasic si avangardist, cuminte si nebunesc, kitsch si elegant, ieftin (prefer sa ii spun mai degraba “cost efficient” avand sechele corporatiste) si scump…dupa deviza ca ce e prea mult strica, consumati “vintage”-ul cu masura pentru a-l pune cu adevarat in valoare si a nu cadea in sfera caraghiosului sau penibilului!
Atat pentru astazi. I’ll be back :)
Hugs & Kisses
“Vintage Meelusha”
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